Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friendship Quotes Teach Us How to Balance Friendship and Married Life

Friendship quotes always inspire each of us to retain and continue the friendship in our lives. Friendship is such a real and wonderful relation in our journey of life. There are many stages that come in our lives. In our childhood, we make lots of friends. Over time, many of them disappear. But we do not let the special friends go. We always keep their company. In our teenage time, we experience great fun with them. We hang out together, we laugh and move together. We make very sweet memories with them. But when we get married, distance automatically takes place. Our life partner comes and our friends feel that we are going far from them.
Many friendship quotes advise us how to manage a good balance between your friendship and married life. You should learn it because if you do not solve it wisely you may be in danger zone.
Here are the solutions:-
  • Plan your time
  • Time goes by very quickly. You have to give time to your work, your wife and your friends too. All are important. So plan your time wisely. Spend quality time and give proper response to your friends and spouse. Both need your time. Also take care that you are no more bachelor so spend less but quality time with your friends.
  • Be in touch
  • Although you have shortage of time, it is not necessary that you should be with your friends physically. You can communicate with them via phone, sms or emails etc. But i would suggest that making call and talking to them is more expressive. So whenever you get time just call them and share your feelings. Your friends would understand you and your friendship will stay safe.
  • Have get together
  • Although you are married but you can have get together. Invite your friend for launch/dinner and chat with them in your house. This will help in making your friend feel special. You spouse will also understand your friendship.
  • Tell your spouse
  • Things need to be explained. So do not forget to tell your wife about your friends. Tell them how your friends helped you in your tough time, how many times they sacrificed for you. Than she will never stop you from meeting your friend. She will respect your friends and will motivate you to help them when they are in need.
Friendship is really a fragile relationship so don't take it lightly. Your other relations are also important but always remember that you yourself made your friends because you needed them. Maintain a good balance between friendship and your married life with the help of friendship quotes so that everything could go well.

Turning Your Enemies Into Friends - An Enjoyable Process

There is a big difference between your friends and your foes. Most friends will help you during your time of need and look after your best interest. Friends make you feel good about yourself and help increase your self esteem. A true friend is only interested in your best interest. A foe or an enemy is someone that is not interested in your best interest, but instead his or her own. Some of these people would probably wish much harm upon you, for whatever reason.
A true friend is someone that takes enjoyment, whether it is intentional or unintentional, in bringing you pleasure and joy in your life. If you are a salesman for example, you probably don't want another salesman from a different company taking a customer of yours. If the salesman did take your customer, you will probably see him as your enemy or foe. A great salesperson will see this as an opportunity to find out why exactly he lost his customer. A great salesman will research what the other competitor has to offer is previous client that is more beneficial to their business than what he has to offer. You can make great friends with other salespeople, even if they take your customers from you if you have an open mind.
Many students, especially high school students, see teachers as their enemy. This is very confusing for many to understand, but there are some children in the world who actually think teachers are bad and cruel people. Your teacher is there to be a wonderful friend and mentor and help guide you in your life. Instead of making your teacher and enemy, make them a friend you can learn from. They are not there to make your life miserable or put you in detention. They are there to help you learn and that is their job.
If you are like me, you prefer to be around people who treat you nicely. No one wants to be criticized, hardly ever. While I do welcome some criticism, there is still a part of me that cringes when it comes. In most cases, it comes from a reputable source, a source that is only trying to help me grow as an individual. These people who offer contract of criticism do not do it very often, so when they do I listen.
When you truly evolve to a high level of humanity, you will be able to turn your photos into friends. Even if they are not a true friend, they will be on your positive side, even if they are another salesman that is your competition. We are all out to gain the same things in life, may the best man win.

Development of Friendship

Friendships develop between all kinds of people. Often at the begging of a friendship the people will be drawn together because they have similar interests, of the have a friend in common. Some people say that when it comes to friendships or dating that opposites attract. I have found this statement to be false. When I hang out with my friends we never do things that only interest one of us. Our activities always revolve around common interest. Friendships take some dedication by both sides for them to run smoothly. I have never understood the person who gets upset when they hear that their friend is hanging out with someone else instead of them. Although it is a lot of fun to chill with one friend, sometimes a person just needs time to be with other people.
A friend who you consider a best friend is hard to come by. In my opinion, one of the best ways to take an ordinary friend and turn him or her into a best friend is to get into trouble with them. Getting lectured or disciplined with a friend is not half as bad as going it alone. The friends that I consider my best friends I have known for at least a year, and many of my friends I have known all my life. Since we have spent so much time together there is not much that we wouldn't do for each other if a friend needed help. When I am talking to my best friends I am completely relaxed and I know that I won't hurt their feelings by what I say. At this college it is easy to forget that people don't know me very well, and so I have to be extra careful when joking with people because they might not know that I was jesting. With my best friends I don't have this problem. Also my friends are great because we are rarely upset with each other, and if we do get mad, we forget about it after 20 minutes or so. Since it is so hard to get mad at each other, it can make for some interesting situations when we bug each other. Generally if there is a group of us and we find something that bugs one of us. We will exploit the irritation until the person getting bothered gets so irritated that they punch one of us. Then we all laugh and go back to whatever we were doing. This simple routine is what makes hanging out with my friends so great. I feel very blessed that I have so many friends.

How to Keep Your Friendship in Perspective

As you all know, none of your friends are perfect and I am sad to tell you that neither are you. The real truth is that you all make mistakes, actually, so do I. I just had lunch with my favorite brother and in a one hour conversation, we both said things that the other did not like, but that is how it is with friendship.
My advice to you in this matter of keeping things in perspective is to count to five before responding to something you did not like. Sure it probably hurt you but is it really worth losing a true friend over? I think not, and I hope that you agree. I bet some days nothing can faze you but like all of us, some days you react to everything. You all have your bad days and yes you all deal with a myriad of problems, do not allow these problems to cause you to do or say things that are truly hurtful. You know how it feels to be hurt and how long it lingers in your mind, so why try to make your friend feel the same way?
Does misery really like company?
Always give your friend the benefit of the doubt. I believe the closer the friend is to you the easier it is for that friend to hurt your feelings. But remember that goes both ways, you may hurt that same friend quite easily. Friends do not allow painful things to build up, talk to her and explain how you feel. Keep your lines of communication open, remember, should you walk away while you are hurting, it will be very tough to resolve later. If you continue to allow things build up, one day there will be an explosion. And most likely your friendship will end over some matter that is hardly worth the time of day.
My best advice to you is to have a forgiving relationship and never hold a grudge - get any problems out in the open and you will always be able to keep your friendship in perspective. And as always you must live well to be well.
I think. I read. I care. I inform. I coach. We all need friends, get back to me. Tell me how to keep friends.

How to Tell If Someone's a Real Friend

The test of a real friend is how they react when things don't go so well.
We have all heard of fair weather friends; those who are happy to spend time with us, and perhaps help us, when times are good. Sometimes we can be fooled into thinking these friends are the real thing. Such friendships can last for years with all seeming well between you, no apparent problem. Each one is there for the other whatever happens, or so you think.
Then the sky falls in. Something disastrous happens to your life. Perhaps your marriage ends, or a serious illness appears out of the blue, or someone close to you dies. Now you really need a friend. Someone who will be there for you whenever you need them. Someone who is prepared to put their own life on hold to help you, as you know you would for them, if the shoe were on the other foot.
Let us take these three examples of unwanted circumstances one at a time, and consider what effect they might have on your friendships.
If someone dies, your friend may not know quite how to respond. We would hope that a close friend would be familiar with your views on both death and the person who has died, and therefore be there to comfort, understand, laugh, cry and do with you whatever is your overwhelming emotion. Perhaps this is one test of a real friend. What level of understanding of you have they achieved in your time together. When you have poured your all out to them, have they been listening? Have they really taken it all in? Are they able to show true empathy to your condition?
You will know when it happens. Either your friend will be there for you, with all that may entail, or they will slide quietly off into a distant part of your consciousness.
If you have a serious illness diagnosed suddenly, you will be in shock. You will need someone to provide the real or metaphorical shoulder to lean or cry upon. Someone prepared to give you time; able to cope with your distress; willing to listen to your blabberings; prepared to help with the inconvenience of treatment and aftercare. A true friend will be able to provide all of this and more.
However, perhaps the sternest test for a friendship is a marriage break-up. As a couple you have had lots of friends, many of them couples too. You have socialised as a couple and you are known, by your friends, more as a couple than as an individual.
Then the separation devastates your life. What are your friends to do? They are in torment. Which one of the original couple do they support? There is a tendency for people to think, in this situation, that they need to show solidarity, but they can only do this for one person - and half of the couple becomes suddenly discarded.
When this happens one person, needing as much care, understanding and support as the other, loses friends just when they are needed the most. This is perhaps the ultimate test of a friendship, how it is sustained through the anguish of separation and divorce.
The saddest thing about all this is that we sometimes never get to know how true our friends are until the worst happens and we lose them.
How to tell when a friend is true? See what happens when things go wrong, and situations and relationships become strained. If your friend stays with you and supports you throughout, whatever it takes, then you have a real friend.

Real Friendship

Titanic? No, there is just one unsinkable ship on this world. It's friendship - such is the favored belief about the eternal side of friendship. Friendship is a relationship between people with similar pursuits and opinions. Such people are known as friends.A friend to person just isn't often a member of his or her family. But a real good friend is a good treasure to a man. Choosing associates and making friendship aren't so easy. The only technique to find out a real pal is to be a true friend.
There must be some important components in a great friendship. These are understanding, unity, empathy, sincerity, tolerance, patience, confidence and above all faithfulness. An ideal friendship has a number of benefits. A true good friend shares the thrill of prosperity and miseries of adversity. He/She doesn't hesitate to sacrifice consolation and wealth for the sake of friendship.
A real friend always guides his/her friend to welfare and prosperity. He/She additionally tries his/her finest to discourage his/her friend from doing unlawful and immoral deeds. In our instructional institutions, we sometimes come in contact of a real friend. Such friend of mine helped me overcome the fear of English and Math at my school.
Nowadays social surroundings are heavily polluted because of unchecked crime and violence resulted from selfishness. Only ideally suited friendship can contribute largely to the development of this situation. It may make our personal and social lives wholesome, hence the need for friendship is really great.

Friend Idea

A friend to a person is not normally a member of his family. However,a friend is some one who is always beside you, no matter where you are. He might not be around you physically, but the thought of a friend is what makes us feel secure. The presence of a friend gives us so much confidence that nothing seems hard to obtain. A true friend encourages when you are feeling down and are feeling lonesome. A true friend lends an ear when you have tons of woes to share. He never stops you while you are crying, but gives a new packet of wipes to clean yourself. He wants you to feel free by removing the negative energy from you and then asks you the reason or suggests a solution.
There are several places that can give us new friends. But, there are a few friends who make a good place in our hearts. We make friends from our childhood. But, how many friends do we have by the time we become adults? There are only a few we can remember and call on the first name or pet name basis. They are our true friends and they stay with us no matter what happens. Even a quarrel or a trifle would not break that bond which had formed some years back. A true friend shares a secret and takes our secret to his grave. That is the kind of commitment that true friends have among themselves.
Many a time friends can oppose our view and contradict our points. That does not mean that they are against us and they hate us. It just means that they care for us and they do not want us to get hurt by choosing the wrong direction. Every person has got his own set of views which other has to accept and respect. This is true even in between friends. At times we cross our limits and might say or do something or the other which might hurt our friends. At that point of time, it's unwise to argue that they have to agree with us. It is much better to apologize and seal the negative feelings.
Friends come regularly in our life. But, true friends are very rare and they have to be preserved and cherished for a life time. If you lose the trust of a good friend, gaining it back is very hard. If there is something that builds the strength between two friends, it's sharing the trust between one another.
Finally, "A friend in need is a friend indeed" goes the proverb. The proverb is absolutely true. A good friend helps you in time of need while a bad friend forsakes you in danger.

Loyal Friendships?

So many of us have a difficult time forming meaningful friendships. There may be many reasons for this. But for adolescents, this problem is amplified many times over.
Adolescents tend to be uncertain about themselves and about others. Some adolescents haven't developed a sufficient amount of self-certainty to form healthy relationships.
There's a difference between short-term friendships and long-term ones. Short-term friendships are friendships that last a few months to a year. Long-term relationships, on the other hand, can last for quite a few years, depending on the adolescent's situation and whether (s)he has to move after elementary school.
Adolescents have no difficulty forming short-term friends. But are long-term friendships harder for adolescents to maintain? Well, yes and no.
Yes, some adolescents have a difficult time to make long-term friends because their values and beliefs aren't formulated and solidified. Most adolescents start firming up their values around age 18 or so. Before that, many adolescents have a difficult time forming that long-term bond. It, therefore, follows that once adolescents firm up their long standing values and really determine their likes and dislikes, they will definitely be able to form long-term healthy and loyal friendships.
On the other hand, some adolescents don't have a difficult time to make long-term friendships at all because they can show a real and almost raw loyalty that is sometimes lacking between adult friendships. Many adolescents form friendships in elementary school, and as long as they don't move, they will have the same friends throughout high school. And some of these same adolescents will keep in touch with the same friends even after they graduate and move on the University.
So, it is a myth to say that teenagers cannot form long-term relationships because they can't stay loyal to the same kids. They can form such relationships and often do. And some of these enduring friendships can continue for many years into their adulthood. After all, don't high school sweethearts marry and have kids and spend a whole lifetime together? All they have to do is to want to be friends and the rest usually takes care of itself.
So, we should stop assuming that adolescents can't make viable, lasting, healthy, and loyal relationships. They can, and often do. Let's all try to encourage our teens to form healthy long-term relationships because they sure are capable of it. Maybe they're even more capable than we are of forming such bonds.

How to Deal With Friends Who Are Not There For You

This is a great subject; I am glad a follower asked me to write about dealing with a friend or friends that are not there for you. I am saddened to say that you will be surprised who will step up and help you in a time of need. And you also will be even more surprised at the friend or friends that are not there for you in this time of need.
It is easy to be a friend in happy times; the world loves a good time. But get involved in some drama or financial loss and see where your best friend is, probably among the missing. Now she will have her personal reasons for not being there, but unfortunately it is not about her but your issues. Now is that a true loyal friend, well I guess not!
A true friend is someone who can understand your past, believe in your future and most of all, accept who you are today. A real friend can keep a secret and be there when you need her.
I put together a test to determine if your friend is really your friend. Ask yourself does she make you feel better or worse when she is needed? Anyone can be there during the good times, is she there during the difficult times? Will she help you out without making you feel guilty? Have you gone through hard times with her and survived? Does she allow you to be you without any limitations? I hope you can say yes to all of my questions, if not, you need to reevaluate the relationship. And before more moving on, there is no such thing as a bad friend - a bad friend is no friend, get it?
How do you deal with friends that are not there for you? Well first of all the friendship is what I call toxic (sick and flawed). I suggest if your friend(s) are toxic then move away from them and start again. I have done this, it can be done. Replace them with people that are caring and supportive and that will be there for you. How do you do it? Just explore new past times, hobbies and interests. And as always you must live well to be well
I think. I read. I care. I inform. I coach.
Sometimes friends can hurt you and not care--I wonder why that is so?
Get back to me--what do you think?

When Should You End a Friendship?

Perhaps you have reached that moment when you wonder if a friendship is worth saving. Maybe you are not there yet, but the question has come to your mind more than once. It is never an easy decision whether to end a friendship or not. If you have been friends for a long time it is even harder.
What are signs that a friendship should end?
If your friend is an abuser or is in any form putting you or your family in danger, it is time to end the friendship. Most addictions are signs the friendship should end. The liar and the two faced friend are not friends. Someone who steals from you or your family is not a friend.
What are some signs that friendship should probably end?
Your friend makes jokes, comments or remarks that make you feel bad. The friend complains consistently, perhaps about your significant other, your family or any other friends. If something good happens for you, the friend minimizes it or picks it apart. The friends that constantly have drama probably take more than they give.
What is important in a friendship?
A friend should never make you feel fearful. A friendship is about giving and taking, sometimes it is 80/20 sometimes it may be 30/70 but in the end it should balance. If not you should talk to friends that take more than they give. If you do not feel like you can have open communication with someone, that person is not your friend.
Is this the end of the friendship?
Many relationships come to an end. People change. You may not have had as much as common as you originally thought. Then sometimes you find that someone only had a friendship with you as an ulterior motive or they were not really your friend from the start.
Are there problems?
A friend should make you feel happy. If thoughts of the friend make you feel sick, bitter or unhappy then unless something major changes you will only continue to feel that way or it will grow worse. When you stop respecting a friend then you are not doing favors for either of you by staying friends. This becomes hard to see with long term friends because part of you may still recall previous times when you were close.
What can I do?
While you may want a friendship to continue because of the past, if you are not friends now, then it is best for both parties to end it now. How you end it can be as simple as stop contacting the friend or in a letter to explain why. You can choose it to be a temporary break or a permanent one. If it is permanent do not tell the ex-friend it is temporary. Remember to not be confrontational but factual. Then realize you may mourn or feel a gap so be sure remember the good times.